The Greatest Deal of All

A Spamton headcannon turned into a five month journey to learn Photoshop, get used to my Wacom One tablet, and de-rust my art chops back up to the level of mediocre in order to illustrate it in a saccharine fan comic (I know the kids call them "AU"s but I'm a crotchety old lady who prefers to call it what it is: wish-fulfillment fanfic). Hopefully it's not completely terrible! And if it is, well, it was still a better use of five months than a couple years ago when I ground out five million gold for a brachiosaurus mount in a game I was sick of!

Each page can be clicked on to open a full-sized version in a new tab.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Additional Comics

Mini-comics taking place in the same AU - for lack of a better thing to call it, I guess - mostly occurring between Chapter 3 and the Epilogue.

Escape Plan

Still Here

Shopping Trip

A Free Meal

Checking In


The Fox is Coincidence

Pull the Strings

The Dreamtime

4 vs. 4

But in the End

Filler Comics

Small comics drawn for fun or to fill in small holes here and there, but ultimately don't add much to the ongoing story.

What If He's On Our Side?

A Time to Think