There are three reasons I choose to designate a comic "Filler" instead of "Additional":
1. They're filling in something from another comic that I think the reader could have filled in for themselves. Nobody needed "What If He's On Our Side?" to figure out what Ralsei was doing with Susie in the fifth page here.
2. They're cute, but I don't know how they fit in to overall the storyline.
3. They violate a rule I have with the main series: Kris needs to be nearby. No, Kris isn't shown in "Cleanup" but you can guess they're in the main hotel room.
This is reason #2. Like, how, why, and when did Ralsei get back up on Spamton?
And just for the sake of experimentation, for this comic I tried drawing Ralsei with only four digits instead of five. Fuck, I wish I had done that at the start.
Parses in World of Warcraft are a measurement of how well you did compared to other players of your class and gear level uploading their data. Gray was the worst, then it went Green, Blue, Purple, and Orange being the best. I always hated these things and not just because I was constantly in the Gray and nobody would sit down with me and help me figure out what I was doing wrong (did I have the wrong gear, or what?), but because they encouraged people to tunnel a boss instead of getting the fuck out of the way of their attacks and ignore other mechanics. I remember the pull my guild finally defeated Jaina Proudmoore in the Battle of Dazar'alor, I forget if it was Normal or Heroic. The first part of the battle takes place on a boat and every so often some Alliance soldiers fly in on griffins and plant bombs. There was a bomb at the very back of the boat that the ranged players were completely ignoring because they were so focused on keeping their parses up and I, a fucking Death Knight, finally had to run all the way to the back of the ship and ditch it before it wiped us, which completely tanked my parses.