The level called "Smile If You Love Lemmings" in most versions is called "5 Miles If You Love Lemmings" in the Genesis version.

The SNES version contains a level called "Ohayo Lemming San!". This translates more or less as "Good morning, Mr. Lemming!" The level itself is "Ohayou!" in Hiragana.

In the Amiga and the original Windows versions, this level is actually called "All the Sixes..." and is made up of three giant sixes with the same firey theme, you had 6:66 to complete the level, and 66 of every command. Because that no doubt offended some people, the Mac version is a completely different level where you get fourty lemmings, twenty have to climb over some walls to the right, and twenty have to float to a lower elevation and bash. All version of this level are missing entirely from some ports, like the PSX and Win95 versions.

There's a glitch in the save system of the SNES version. Complete all the levels and on the final one, rather than hitting "Award Me" go to the Menu. Save the file. Where it's supposed to say the percentage complete, it will stay whatever percentage it was when you saved that 100% file (like if you went from 90% to all 120 stage) and will no longer keep track of any of the percentages on any of the other files.
Let's say you had a file that was 50% complete in slot number 2, then you saved a 100% file in Slot number 1. If you continue playing that 50% game and keep saving in that slot, it will always say 50%, even if you only have one more level to complete. Or if you saved that 50% into one of your other 0% slots, it will always say 0% complete. It will still display the Talismans you've gotten and it will still keep track of your data, but it is freaky. Saving over the 100% file with something other than another 100% undos this glitch and it will resume showing the percentage you've completed.
At least it did this with my copy of the game. If a reader with a copy would like to try this, please e-mail me with the results.
The two versions of the game use the exact same manual. I noticed this because there are several changes in the two versions (I believe the Genesis version is an exact port of the original PC game and the SNES version is the altered one). There are pieces from the other version of the game mentioned/pictured in each one's manual.
SNES: There are no chains whatsoever in the game, the screenshot on page 10 has a white and smaller cursor, says "You have saved 50 lemmings" when you only get 40 lemmings a tribe, the font in the buttons is different, and the piece of land in the picture of the Glue Pourer command looks like a T instead of covered bowl.
Genesis: There are no Save or Load buttons on the main menu. It uses Passwords (and ludicrously long ones at that).
In the Super Nintendo version, the Runner and Planter commands are on the Practice slection menu twice. The best part about the Planter being one of the duplicates is that it's easily the most worthless command in the game; it's a gimmick ability that barely does anything, and it only appears in a single level you don't even need it for.

In the Super Nintendo version, two Sports tribe levels share the same name. I think the first one (pictured to the left) originally had a different name, because that stage has nothing to do with pipes.

Here's an annoying glitch. It involves saving, the name of your file, and the memory card manager of the PSX. If the file name has more than three letters, the 3D Lemmings file save will cut off at the third letter, call your next file the remaining letters, and all the file names for your other games will be shifted to the next game.
For example, you name your 3D Lemmings file "LOMAX". Your next files then go Ape Escape, Vagrant Story, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Final Fantasy Origins - FF1, and Alundra. The 3D Lemmings file will be named "3D LEMMINGS LOM". Ape Escape will be named "AX". Vagrant Story will be named "APE ESCAPE". Lunar will be named "VAGRANT STORY". Final Fantasy will be named "LUNAR SSC". Alundra will be named "FINAL FANTASY ORIGINS - FF1".
If you want a name that's more than three letters, but you don't want your other saves to get jumbled, fill up a memory card with all but one block (do not remove anything), then save 3D Lemmings to that card. Another thing you can do is move the last file on the card IF it only takes up one block. If whatever's last in line on the card takes up more than one block, Crusaders of Might and Magic for example which takes two blocks, move it to a card, then move something from that card onto the card you had CM&M on. If it's something like Azure Dreams which takes up 3 blocks, do the same thing, but more either a two-block item or two one-block items back onto the card. Now save your 3D Lemmings game to that card. 3D Lemmings will be last in line, so there'll be nothing for it to shift.
If you move a file from anywhere but the last block of the card, then move or save 3D Lemmings to that card, 3D Lemmings will be placed wherever you moved the file from. For example, your order goes Mega Man X4, Mega Man X5, then Mega Man X6. If you move Mega Man X4, then save 3D Lemmings, the order will be 3D Lemmings, Mega Man X5, Mega Man X6. Mega Man X5 will then be name "AX", and Mega Man X6 will be "Mega Man X5".

In one level, Lorock tells Lomax something like "All situations have a solution. You just need to use your abilities, or just your brain". I thought this was strange, because lemmings don't have brains.
Unless the game has multiple endings (which I doubt. I've beaten this game three times and gotten the same "ending" each time), there's unused music in the game. You can pop the disc into a CD player and listen to the game's wonderful soundtrack. Tracks 16 and 18 are nowhere in the game, and sound a lot like ending music. This makes me further believe the Evil Ed stages (and that thing Psygnosis called an "ending") were the result of Psygnosis running out of time, and possibly money. I also think the first three bosses being nigh identical also hint at this.
Track 17 is used in one of the Medieval stages. Kind of odd, since all the other Medieval songs are somewhere near the beginning of the disc and are also back-to-back. This song as well as the first Evil Ed stage (which is the better of the two) are the only "stage" songs used only once in the entire game.
There's a few conflicts between the manual's cover and the actual game:
- Lomax is clearly barefoot with shinguards on the manual cover. In the game, he's actually wearing boots.
- Lomax's helmet is a cone on the manual cover, but more of a dome in the game. This as well as the previous entry are just some of the reasons I sprited him so poorly. I had the manual picture in mind and not his sprite.
- Lorock is NOWHERE near as scary looking on the manual cover as he is in the game. Kind of ironic, since everybody else is scarier on the cover than in the game (especially Lomax, whose cover picture could frighten small children but is actually kind of cute in the game)
- There's what appears to be a female lemming between Lomax and the Zombie Lemming on the cover, but she's nowhere in the game. I've had an online friend look at it (yes, the same one I sent the songs to), and he said it really didn't look like a female to him. I don't know, the lemming somehow appears feminine to me. More evidence of Psygnosis stapling the end of the game on.
I encountered the strangest glitch once and only once, and it happened to be a time I had it hooked into the computer, so I was able to capture a screen. Once when I was fighting Ed, I sent two rocks at him, both pegging him at the same time, and dealing the final blow to him. Or at least they should have. He tooks his hands down, but he himself did not fall, and just continued to loom over the field with four bursts of smoke coming out of him. No rocks came, nothing. I ran around about a minute, then reset. It seems that if the fourth and fifth rocks hit him at the same time, it registers five hits, but only four points of damage since he took their hits at the same time. After five hits, his hands go down, and after five points of damage he himself is supposed to fall. I'm no programming expert, but I can't find any other explanation for this.