Treasure Planet (PG)
Widely regarded as Disney's biggest failure, if not second only to Black Cauldron (although nowadays it's an open secret that Treasure Planet's failure was internal sabotage by Disney wanting to use it as an excuse to kill its 2D division, and Katzenburg wanting to spite Musker and Clements) Treasure Planet is... not fantastic and Jim's 2000s 'tude is a bit outdated but it's a decent flick. The main character might be Jim but the star of the show is Silver, torn between his loyalty to his crew (and trying to maintain theirs) and the fatherless boy he's unwittingly growing attached to. And there's plenty of Disney eye candy with interestellar set pieces and the elaborate animation on Silver's robot arm. For the first hour it's not earth-shattering but it's an enjoyable enough film.
And then that loud, obnoxious robot joins in for the last half hour. He doesn't completely ruin the movie, but he does downgrade it from "Yeah, it's a decent flick" to "Yeah, it's a decent flick except for that fucking robot."