Recast Vols. 1 and 2 (Manga, Seung-Hui Kye)

Okay, it's Korean so technically it's manhwa. I don't care.

Volume 1 assaults you with a bunch of terminology about "puppets" and "the fifth world" and other stuff that it never bothers to explain until later, if at all. Volume 1 also ends really abruptly. Like, where a cartoon episode would normally fade out for the second commercial break. Volume 2 was cheap enough, and while it actually had some semblance of a cliffhanger ending, it was still a pain in the ass to follow, still wasn't answering any questions, and still wasn't really going anywhere, and when I was done with it I decided I didn't give a crap about this series anymore.


Dragon Ball Vols. 1 and 2 (Manga, Akira Toriyama)

There's some - for lack of a better word - naughty humor I really could have done without like Bulma giving Master Roshi a panty shot while oblivious to the fact that she's not wearing any, but otherwise, a nice intro to Toriyama's legendary martial arts series. And, yeah, some of the raunchier humor made me cringe, but other times it almost floored me laughing.


Faerie Solitaire (PC, E)

This would have gotten away with being an inoffensive casual game where you inexplicably battle an evil wizard by playing Golf solitaire, but then it ends with the main character getting trapped in a book called "Faerie Solitaire 2". Up yours, Subsoap.


Black Blizzard (Manga, Yoshihiro Tatsumi)

Required reading for my manga class. I guess I didn't really get anything out of it. Two convicts, one a pretty okay guy who may or may not have murdered somebody, and a Fred Flinstone lookalike scumbag, escape an overturned train, the innocent one tells the scumbag his life story, preemptively rip off the poison scene from Princess Bride, and a deus ex machina makes everything okay, the end. That's all there really is to this. And I'm pretty sure it only took me twenty minutes to read the whole thing.


Chi's Sweet Home Vol. 1 (Manga, Kanata Konami)

An adorable little manga about a kitten who gets lost from her family and adopted by a family that lives in an apartment that doesn't allow pets. Just about every story left me with a giddy smile, although sometimes I wonder how somebody who doesn't actually have cats would react to it. Major downside? The book is tiny and can be read in half an hour, yet costs $10-$13 depending on where you buy it from, because unlike most manga, everything's in color.
