CK 2D (Download 105 MB)
This was my final project for my Introduction to Game Design Class. It's horribly unfinished, one of the bosses wasn't even properly redrawn, if you look closely at the title screen you might notice I didn't finish painting the tree CK is sitting in, and I don't even know how to lock the resolution. Sad part is, this was one of the more complete games shown off at the end of the semester.
Run at 1366x768 resolution.
C to Jump
X to Run
Space to Start Game
Escape to Quit Game
D+B on Title Screen for Level Select (there's a reason you might want to use this)

CK's Capstone Adventure (Download 63.8 MB)
This was my final project for my Capstone, which was sort of a thesis in project form where you show off everything you learned in the Computer Informations program. I still didn't figure out how to lock the resolution, and the pixel graphics introduced a bug where vertical lines sometimes appear between the tiles, but hey, at least I figured out how to program a simple boss!
This game can be played with a controller, but because of how sensitive the camera repositioning is, I don't recommend it.
Run at 800x600 resolution.
C to Jump
X to Run
Up/Down to Raise/Lower Camera
Space to Start Game
Escape to Quit Game