There's at least two times when the game mentioned Nepotekh, lord of the Nile and guardian of the stomach. But if my sources are correct, Nepotekh is not the lord of the Nile (Osiris is) nor is he the guardian of the stomach (Duamutef). In fact, I can't even find anything that states Nepotekh is an Egyptian god at all. Oh well; they got Baast and Ra right.

The people of Metro City have very strange tastes. And the last one could almost qualify for a censor violation.

Some movie references.

Insert your own Tom Daschle joke here.

Inside the manion where you find the Crown, a little voice keeps saying "Dave". It's not Nightshade's real name 'cause Nightshade's real name is Mark Gray (it says it in the manual). I admit they might have gotten the names totally wrong, but for some reason it just seems unlikely. This is a bit of a long shot, but I wonder if it's a reference to the guy from Maniac Mansion. I can't find any other reason for it to be "Dave".
*UPDATE* The day I got this up, some readers told me what this is. It's a reference to Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey. It may belong up in the movie references, but I'll keep it here. Thank you readers Introbulus for pointing it out and Tonberry2K for confirming it.

Some funny descriptions to stuff you can examine.

Yes, he's the hero Metro City's been waiting for, but nobody can get Nightshade's name right.

After you take the Book of Egyptology from the bookshelf in the Library/Mansion, reexamine the bookshelf, and....

In one screen, you will find a ninja beating up an old man (or you won't if you already beat up the ninja). Look at the name of the shop behind them. You'd think with all this cat bashing, that's all there'd be. But Nightshade has to bow down and worship them in order to get the headpiece to the Staff of Ra.

Better than theocratic chipmunks, I guess.

Well, not like the fourth wall was still intact anyway.
There's about a dozen other quotes I could post, but this is getting packed. My last ones will be the Newspaper Archive. After you get your Popularity halfway to the max, you can enter the Newspaper Archive. The craziness in there deserves its own section. I will then throw in the weird frames that are from the ending of the game at the end of that same section.