10/02 - Another Somewhat Timely Update? Huh?
I wanted to get this update out towards the end of September so I could be caught up on my quickies for the first time in ages, but I came down with a cold. Here are the quickies for July and August 2019.
And for what it's worth, after two months away from WoW I've taken my laptop to the library a couple times and pressed my luck with the nighttime bandwidth, as I wanted to get that Hearthstone toy from the Brewfest event and work towards that manta ray mount from the Unshackled faction while I was at it. My ability to play is still very limited, forcing a healthier balance between it and the rest of my life which I'd like to maintain when/if I get a consistent connection again.
- CK
9/04 - I Am Taunting the Apocalypse Today
Wait, what? Two updates within thirty days? Wow, I can actually get things done when I'm not grinding in Azeroth all day, huh. Today we've got the quickies for May and June 2019.
- CK
8/10 - I Want to Break Free
For the five of you who still read this site, here's some news; in mid July I flew back out to western New York, which means I'm on back on satellite Internet. I don't want to bore you with the technicals of how bad satellite Internet is, so let's cut to the chase and say World of Warcraft is basically unplayable on satellite and raid is totally impossible on it, so unless I haul my laptop to a place with WiFi I'm out of the game. Which in turn means I'm not longer farting away the day on it and can maybe get some relevant shit done. Or at least I could once I got my workstation sorted back out and had a place to use the laptop.
Let's kick off the 2019 quickies with January, February, March, and April.
I also made some small changes to the navigation around here. On the main page I replaced the section images on the left with a smaller text link listing, that way I could increase the size of the actual update listing. I dropped my forums because they hadn't been posted in for two years and for fuck's sake, one of the subforums hadn't been posted in since 20-fucking-11.
Some day I really need to put the header into its own file and connect it to the individual pages with PHP; I know how to do that (or at least know where to find the video I followed to do that before), but you have to change the .html files to .shtml, and I need to figure out how to forward pages.
- CK
6/01 - You Bastards May Take Exactly What I Give You
2018 in Review is up, and it only took me four months to do!
Hopefully I can get the first batch of 2019 quickies out sooner than that.
- CK
2/17 - Siiiiiigh
The final three months of 2018 quickies, for October, November, and December. Yeah, I'm sorry about the terrible updating schedule through the year, and I want to do better in 2019, but can't make promises.
And here's something I learned a couple weeks ago: Encyclopedia Obscura no longer exists.
- CK